Volume 8 Number 1: Mathematics Education

Published: 30 May 2015

Responsible Editor: Iuliana Zsoldos-Marchis and Csaba Sárvári (CADGME papers)




Computational Technique for Teaching Mathematics (CTTM): visualizing the polynomial´s resultant, Francisco Regis Vieira Alves

An educational program of mathematical creativity, Constantin Petrovici, Geanina Havârneanu

Visual Representations in Mathematics Teaching: An Experiment with Students, Edith Debrenti

(Mis)Conceptions about Geometric Shapes in Pre-service Primary Teachers, Katarína Žilková, Ján Gunčaga, Janka Kopáčová

Where are the quadratic’s complex roots? Ágnes Orsolya Páll-Szabó

Creativity and Motivation for Geometric Tasks Designing in Education, Lucia Rumanová, Edita Smiešková

Analogical Reasoning in Geometry Education, Ioana Magdaş


The following articles are extended versions of the presentations given at the Computer Algebra and Dynamic Geometry Systems in Mathematics Education (CADGME) conference at Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, in September 2014.

Adaptations to a Learning Resource, Paul Libbrecht

What Software to Use in the Teaching of Mathematical Subjects?  Štefan Berežný