Volume 7 Number 3

Published: 30 November 2014

Responsible Editor: Ioana Magd




The Relationship between Multiple Intelligences and Writing Skill of Medical Students in Iran, Rezvan Sajjadi Rad, Laleh Khojasteh, Reza Kafipour

The analysis of the results obtained by the candidates for the 2014’s admission, specialization: “primary and preschool education pedagogy”, the mathematical component, Ioana Magdaş, Ramona Rǎduţ-Taciu

Aspects that concern assessing lower secondary school students at the physics national contest exemplification for the 7th grade, Gabriel Florian

A Critical Multicultural Analysis of a Romanian Textbook Taught in Elementary International Language Programs, Dorian Stoilescu

Perception of school and university students of ideal teacher behaviors (II). Pilot study,  Liliana Ciascai, Iulia Vlad

Teachers’, pupils’, and parents’ opinions on primary school textbooks: their selection, quality, and utility, Elena Lalău