Volume 5 Number 2

Published: 9 August 2012

Responsible Editor: Iuliana Marchis




Analysis of errors and misconceptions in the learning of calculus by undergraduate students, Jonatan Muzangwa, Peter Chifamba

What are 14 weeks enough for? The efficiency of teaching mathematics at the Primary School and Kindergarten Teacher Training College, the Satu Mare Department of Babeş-Bolyai University, Tünde Baranyai

Studying the impact of using multimedia interactive programs at children ability to learn basic math skills, Sawsan Nusir, Izzat Alsmadi, Mohammed Al-Kabi, Fatima Sharadgah

Preservice Primary School Teachers’ Elementary Geometry Knowledge, Iuliana Marchis

A Study of ICT Infrastructure and Access to Educational Information in the Outskirts of Malang, Hakkun Elmunsyah

ICT Competences: Algorithmic Thinking, László Zsakó, Péter Szlávi

High resolution sound card stopwatch extends school experimentation, Katalin Kopasz, Péter Makra, Zoltán Gingl

The role of the reflection journal in making efficient the learning activity within formal frames, Cornelia Stan