Volume 18 number 1

Papers were published as they were accepted. The closing date of the issue is 27 December 2024.

Responsible Editors: Lavinia ȘUTEU and Iuliana ZSOLDOS-MARCHIȘ



RRJD Gayan JAYAKODY (Sri Lanka), Faiz MMT MARIKAR (Sri Lanka), Evaluating e-learning in the Sri Lanka army: a study on learning outcomes and technology use, 1-14, https://doi.org/10.24193/adn.18.1.1

Suzan KHATIB (Romania), Liliana CIASCAI (Romania), Ioana MAGDAŞ (Romania), Challenges and practices in teaching and solving mathematical word problems: teachers' perspectives and proposed solutions, 15-26, https://doi.org/10.24193/adn.18.1.2

Nedeljko M. MILANOVIĆ (Serbia), Andrijana Ž. MILETIĆ (Serbia), Olivera D. CEKIĆ-JOVANOVIĆ (Serbia), Parents' Attitudes Toward STEM Teaching Subjects in the First Cycle of Primary Education, 25-34, https://doi.org/10.24193/adn.18.1.3